Simple mob farm program

Step 1: Initialize the enemy count variable.

local enemyCount = 0 -- Track the number of enemies defeated

Step 2: Define the scanArea function.

function scanArea() -- Scan the area for enemies and attack local enemyDetected = false for i = 1, 4 do if turtle.detect() then turtle.attack() enemyDetected = true enemyCount = enemyCount + 1 end turtle.turnRight() end return enemyDetected end

The scanArea function scans the area around the turtle in a 360-degree rotation, checking for enemies using turtle.detect(). If an enemy is detected, it attacks the enemy with turtle.attack() and increments the enemyCount variable. The function returns true if an enemy is detected, false otherwise.

Step 3: Define the recharge function.

function recharge() -- Recharge the turtle's energy -- Implement your own logic here based on the available energy sources -- Example: Assume turtle is connected to a charger while turtle.getFuelLevel() < turtle.getFuelLimit() do turtle.refuel() end end

The recharge function is responsible for recharging the turtle’s energy. The example implementation assumes that the turtle is connected to a charger. It continuously calls turtle.refuel() until the turtle’s fuel level reaches its maximum limit.

Step 4: Define the displayStats function.

function displayStats() -- Display current statistics print("Enemies defeated: " .. enemyCount) print("Fuel Level: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel() .. "/" .. turtle.getFuelLimit()) end

The displayStats function simply prints out the current statistics, including the number of enemies defeated (enemyCount) and the turtle’s fuel level (turtle.getFuelLevel() and turtle.getFuelLimit()).

Step 5: Enter the main loop.

while true do local enemyDetected = scanArea() if not enemyDetected then recharge() end displayStats() sleep(0.25) end

The program enters an infinite loop using while true do. In each iteration of the loop, it calls the scanArea function to check for enemies. If no enemy is detected (enemyDetected is false), it calls the recharge function to recharge the turtle’s energy. After that, it displays the current statistics using displayStats and pauses execution for 0.25 seconds using sleep(0.25).

This loop will continue indefinitely until the program is manually stopped.


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