Simple Tree Cutting Program

Step 1: Understanding the Objective The goal of our program is to create a turtle that can mine trees at a given height. We will prompt the user to enter the desired height, and the turtle will start mining from the ground level up to the specified height.

Step 2: Setting up the Program To begin, we need to define a variable called ‘height’ that will hold the user’s input for the tree height. In Lua, we can define a variable using the ‘local’ keyword. Here’s the code for Step 2:

local height = ...
height = tonumber(height)

The ‘…’ is a Lua feature that allows us to capture command-line arguments when running the program. We assign the captured argument to the ‘height’ variable. Since command-line arguments are passed as strings, we convert the ‘height’ variable to a number using the ‘tonumber()’ function.

Step 3: Checking Fuel Level Before we start cutting, we need to ensure that the turtle has enough fuel to complete the task. To do this, we create a function called ‘checkFuel()’ that checks the turtle’s fuel level. If the fuel level is sufficient, the function returns ‘true’. Otherwise, it attempts to refuel the turtle using coal from its inventory. If successful, the function returns ‘true’, and if no fuel is available, it returns ‘false’. Here’s the code for Step 3:

local function checkFuel()
    local fuelLevel = turtle.getFuelLevel()
    if fuelLevel == "unlimited" or fuelLevel > 0 then
        return true
    print("Low fuel. Refueling...")
    for slot = 1, 16 do
        local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
        if item and == "minecraft:coal" then
            if turtle.refuel(1) then
                return true
    print("No fuel available.")
    return false

The ‘turtle.getFuelLevel()’ function returns the current fuel level of the turtle. If the fuel level is “unlimited” or greater than 0, we consider it sufficient. Otherwise, we iterate through the turtle’s inventory slots to find coal (assuming it’s the fuel source). If we find coal, we select that slot and attempt to refuel the turtle using ‘turtle.refuel(1)’. If refueling is successful, we return ‘true’. If no fuel is found or refueling fails, we print an appropriate message and return ‘false’.

Step 4: Checking Fuel and Starting the Mining Process We are now ready to start mining. But before we proceed, we need to check if the turtle has enough fuel by calling the ‘checkFuel()’ function. If the fuel check fails (returns ‘false’), we stop the program execution. Here’s the code for Step 4:

if not checkFuel() then
    return  -- Stop the program if no fuel is available

The ‘if not checkFuel() then’ statement checks if the result of the ‘checkFuel()’ function is ‘false’. If it is, we use ‘return’ to exit the program.

Step 5: Mining Blocks Now comes the core part of our program: mining blocks up to the specified height. We use a ‘for’ loop to iterate ‘height’ number of times. Inside the loop, we use the ‘turtle.dig()’ function to mine the block in front of the turtle. If the iteration is less than ‘height’, we also call ‘turtle.digUp()’ to mine the block above the turtle and ‘turtle.up()’ to move the turtle up by one block. Here’s the code for Step 5:

for i = 1, height do
    if i < height then

The ‘turtle.dig()’ function is used to mine the block in front of the turtle, and ‘turtle.digUp()’ is used to mine the block above the turtle. ‘turtle.up()’ is used to move the turtle up by one block. We perform these actions repeatedly until the loop reaches the specified ‘height’.

Step 6: Finishing up After the mining process is complete, we want the turtle to select the first slot in its inventory. We do this using the ‘’ function. Here’s the code for Step 6:

lua  -- Select the first slot before finishing

The ‘’ function selects the specified inventory slot. In this case, we select the first slot (slot number 1).

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